powder storage

In order to make sure powder coatings keep their electrostatic properties and get applied flawlessly, they must be stored properly.

1. The following conditions influence powder coatings when in storage:

  • Temperature
  • Humidity
  • Contamination from the air
  • Direct exposure to sunlight

2. Recommended and optimum conditions for the storage of powder coatings:

  • Temperature not exceeding 25°C (min: 5°C, max: 35°C, never below 0°C)
  • Relative humidity of air: 50-65%
  • Storage in a dry and dark place

3. Information on the place where powder coatings are stored:

The warehouse should be separated from the place where the application process is carried out. It should be dry, well-ventilated, heated up in winter time and not excessively hot in summer. Exposure to heat sources or quick temperature changes must be strictly avoided. Otherwise, water vapour may accumulate in the bag and cause powder’s lumping.


Please note that powder coatings absorb humidity from the air easily. Such a process takes place quickly when the box is kept in a temperature below 0°C and is opened immediately after being carried into a warm powder paint shop. However, powder coating itself does not accumulate humidity and after being stored in powder paint shop’s temperature for 24 hours, it gets its original properties back.



93g Piłsudskiego St.

10-449 Olsztyn, Poland

Tel. +48 89 537 51 52

Production Plant:

Nowa Wieś Mała 32

11-040 Dobre Miasto, Poland

Tel. +48 89 532 44 10
